Speaker, Consultant, Writer

Anne is a professional educational consultant specializing in providing workshop facilitation, keynote speaking engagements, curriculum development, and program planning & communication.

A sought-after advisor across Canada, Anne applies her expertise drawn from over 20 years as a leading educator in the B.C. K-12 education system.

Anne speaking at Canada's History Forum in Ottawa, 2016.

Grant Awarded

Ottawa, ON, December 22, 2022 - The Canada Council for the Arts has awarded Anne Tenning with a grant to support her writing as part of the Creating, Knowing, and Sharing: the Arts and Cultures of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples program.

Anne acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Image features Cowichan toque made by Anne's mother, Elizabeth Tenning.

“Anne Tenning is a phenomenal facilitator. She profoundly comprehends Indigenous Education, Indigenous Rights and Knowledge of the past, present, and future.”

J. Jasek, District Vice Principal of Indigenous Education, School District 6 (Kootenay Lake, BC)